Lately I've been thinking about the world, about human to be precise. The world is in chaos and humans are the cause of it. The carnage, the suffering, the death are the result of human pride and ego. They are forms formed by the incapability of mankind to judge or for the very least just to think
Bombings are everywhere, murder raided our news, terrorism is a hot topic in everypart of the world.. And they simply occur without any particular reasons that make any sense to me. They are just the result of mankind's pride and ego
Mankind are simply a pride and self-concious creature. It's our instinct. Self preservation. Basically it is the instinct of every living creatures that exists in the world. The only difference between us and animals are this very vague thing called feelings. It is a very fragile border that distinguishes us from beasts
But many have just simply erase that line, degrade themselves into beasts only for a very simple reason. THEIR PRIDE. They just don't give a damn where the world will end as long as they can show that they are superior than others.
Mankind are made equal. None are made superior than the others. So what is it to prove?? A carnage occurs only to satisfy some people satisfaction of their pride, Is it neccesary???
Humans are degrading.. Even the earth herself deny our existence. She wipes lives with tidal waves, burried lives through earthquake, and blown lives by tornado.. People just simply perish... Gone....
Are we born just to perish??? Is it really that simple? OR is there any meaning behind our lives?
A great thing that we cannot comprehend by our mind? What is the purpose of living?? What is the purpose of EXISTING?
-man has made the greatest discovery in the world, FOR the worldBut we are also the greatest destroyer-
-Cerulean Sky-