Yep, unleashed is an event held by the Scholars Comm. And I was performing in it.
Believe it or not, my friends and I just set up a band and joined in the event with nothing but confidence as our trump card. YEAH!!!
And all the practice sessions are just so messed up (we only formed the bang like a week before the show itself) Proper PA was nowhere to be found. The last day before the event, we decided to have a jamming session at Paradise Center. That was the first time we practiced with a complete and proper equipments....
LOL..... Things are just so hectic that we can't even find enough jacks until the very last moment before the performance.... We didn't even had enough guitar in the first place that we had to borrow one from Marian (thanks Marian, u r such a lifesaver)
In the end, with only our silly confidence and 3 hours of proper practice as our back up, we delivered 2 songs: "Wherever You Will Go" by The Calling and "Welcome To My Life"-Simple plan.
It was a simple performance, unsophisticated, with little effects, and definitely not grandeur.... But truly, it was the very best music performance I've ever had... Full of passion.. Flowed with feelings... it's as if world just sang with us....
It was simply happiness....
We even made Marian rolled some tears... Hahaha it was magnificent...
me, lead guitar
Chandra, rhythm
Ivan, base
Rahardi, drums
Singing aloud,
cerulean sky