Saturday, November 22, 2008


Alright, lately life's been quite quiet I should say. With all the commotions done and all thing passed, the end of the year is nigh.

LOL, I dun really have anything to talk about since there really is nothing much that can be talked about. Sigh, Think life's has gone back to the usual routine i had. Play, eat, sleep, slack, think, and all those mundane things.

But i do enjoy the change. The silence etc. Cus lately things around are just so crazy. Like a turbulence that swept me away here and there. Bounce me all over the place. Things are just coming and going too fast...... it's just too much for my tiny little microscopic brain to comprehend.

All those "hi"s and "bye"s
loss and gain

Feeling omnicient. *sweat*
Really, ignorance is so much of a bliss. LOL

But i think i'm ignorant enough, aren't I?

NVM, dun think about it, jus talking to myself.

Who is at fault for this feeling???
Really, jus ignore me.
and "you" who can't see the world
I once cried for you.....

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Long awaited

The long awaited picture is finally scanned and posted

(I've already felt their hands round me neck trying to strangle me for keeping this picture for to long) LOL

There you go,


Cerulean Sky-

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Lol, today was the first day of the Adam Khoo motivational workshop. The whole thing was just like a comedy show. Like seriously, you can really laugh nonstop for like 2 straight hours and had break for 20 min and continue with the laughter...

Sweat..... that was tough for my stomach. But the overall thing was not as boring as I thought it would be. Hey life comedy show for 12 hours with 150 bucks wasn't something so bad (plus it like for 3 days)

Starting to wonder whether my stomach gonna last (--")

And what's better you can still learn things in that comedy show. Like how mere words are so powerful n stuff. It was really not a bad workshop. to be honest I'm kinda glad that I went. It was somehow better than staying in my room all day. (gosh, i nearly forget how the outside world smell).

And now I know another great guy in life thanks to this workshop. It's Nick Vujicic (GO and google it yourself if you dunno a thing about this guy you lazy bas**rds)

Really, this guy can make you feel d*mn small

HAHAS what an opportunity

feel like learning to read a 1000 page novel in 10 mins

After effects is: I got a terrible headache (maybe it's the constant laughter) but i feel really light after all those laughter. Good thing and Bad thing. hahas

sometimes it's happy
sometimes it's sad
most of the time
it's a little bit of both

Feel like a retard,

-Cerulean Sky-

Monday, November 10, 2008

For whom I love...

To you whom I love,

I may have never said I love you
But I really do

Dedicated to my dearest grandmom
in memories of her

Love you,

-Cerulean Sky-

You're home, and I know He is happy to receive you

Life goes on...

Monday, November 3, 2008

Baru nyampe dari ngumpulin I&R rese' yang ngebuat gw harus pergi ke sekolah padahal harusnya gw udah libur.... taelah...

Tadi pulang naek bus. Pas nungguin busnya, udah mendung2 ga jelas gitu deh. Dan benar saja , g lama setelah gw sama Ivan naek bus, hujan pun mulai turun. Bukan cuma hujan, badai malah....

Langit udah gelap banget (Chandra langsung g kliatan). Awan cumulonimbus yang besar merajalela menghapus berkas2 sinar matahari dari langit. Butiran2 air mendebur jendela kaca dengan ritme tak berakhir. Kilatan2 marah sang petir menyambar2 membelah langit. Sang guntur menggelegar tak berhenti. Pokoknya intinya ujan deres banget deh pake dibumbuin sama petir2 geje gitu..

Dalam hati gw udah mikir.. Anjrit nih di hostel bakal hujan deres. Kita bakal basah kuyup. Makin mendekati hostel, harapan makin menipis. Ujan g reda2 malah makin deres doang. SWT..... ya sudah lah gw pun pasrah aja....

Tapi sesuatu yang g gw duga terjadi. Pas udah mau keluar dr freeway, tiba2 secara mendadak hujan mulai menipis dan secara ajaib pas nyampe hostel g ada setetes air hujan pun. Tapi bau hujan masih terus kecium pas udah turun bus. Udara masih rada lembab gitu kayak bakal ujan kapan aja.... Trus y udah loh, kita jalan ke OH. Pas udah deket pintu depan OH, ternyata matahari udah mulai mengintip di balik awan. Eh, cuaca pun jadi cerah banget. Seakan-akan g ada bekas2 hujan sedikit pun.

After the storm there will always be the sun
hope our days end up the same....


-Cerulean Sky-

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Learning not to take things for granted

be strong girl...