my blog will be relocating to
hopefully it will be active soon enough
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Yep, unleashed is an event held by the Scholars Comm. And I was performing in it.
Believe it or not, my friends and I just set up a band and joined in the event with nothing but confidence as our trump card. YEAH!!!
And all the practice sessions are just so messed up (we only formed the bang like a week before the show itself) Proper PA was nowhere to be found. The last day before the event, we decided to have a jamming session at Paradise Center. That was the first time we practiced with a complete and proper equipments....
LOL..... Things are just so hectic that we can't even find enough jacks until the very last moment before the performance.... We didn't even had enough guitar in the first place that we had to borrow one from Marian (thanks Marian, u r such a lifesaver)
In the end, with only our silly confidence and 3 hours of proper practice as our back up, we delivered 2 songs: "Wherever You Will Go" by The Calling and "Welcome To My Life"-Simple plan.
It was a simple performance, unsophisticated, with little effects, and definitely not grandeur.... But truly, it was the very best music performance I've ever had... Full of passion.. Flowed with feelings... it's as if world just sang with us....
It was simply happiness....
We even made Marian rolled some tears... Hahaha it was magnificent...
me, lead guitar
Chandra, rhythm
Ivan, base
Rahardi, drums
Singing aloud,
cerulean sky
Monday, February 16, 2009
Precious Encounter
Well, today I went back quite early and I went back alone. So, the usual routine just occur. Walk back from IJC to woodlands MRT and took the train. Was sitting there at the usual place at the corner seat.
Then somewhere around Sembawang, there's this lady with her two children boarded the train. The little girl was saying "Mommy2 I want to sit". I was sitting on the seat with my eyes closed trying to get some sleep. I was a total arse at the moment. Being a jerk I totally ignored the little girl's whinning (Yeah I know i'm such an arse). I just kept my eyes closed and leaned to the side trying to sleep. Till, the little boy shout a bit louder then I opened my eyes.
We locked gaze for a moment, and a pang of guilt slapped my face so hard it feels hot. So being a gentleman (yeah right --") I stood up and let the two kids sat.
The little girl sat on the seat and their mom said "say thank you to koko (big bro)"
And those two kids looked at me and said "thank you koko"
D*mn my heart melts..... In the end, I ended up playing with those two kids... LOL
That was some precious moment that made my day. Those two little angels. Hailey and Cayden...
-cerulean sky-
P.S. rest assured, I'm not pedophile. hahaha
Shouted by Cerulean_Sky @ 3:31 PM 0 Ur says
Labels: Droplets of love
Saturday, February 14, 2009
For the V
Selamat hari valentine
(red: selamat hari penipuan terbesar di dunia dimana manusia2 oportunistik jahanam menipu miliaran manusia2 lainnya atas nama cinta)
some find it in simple things....

some, in the warm hug of other...

especially those lovers out there who celebrate this day
happy valentine day
cerulean sky
P.S. anyway, today is SAD (Single Awareness Day)
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Me 2 You
Shoot, I lost my me-2-you key chain...
That simply suck cus that's just one thing I treasure a lot.... and i mean A LOT.....
the chain just simply broke and it just slipped away
-Cerulean sky-
P.S. anyway thank for making my day everyone
appreciate that...
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Lost and Found
Hari ini, gw pagi2 jog (gw berharap ini bisa jadi sebuah rutinitas tiap sabtu)
LOL... gw pada akhirnya memutuskan untuk jog ke Hwa Chong... lumayan jauh sih tapi yah daripada nganggur... nah pas udah mau balik, tepatnya di depan NJC, gw lagi lari2 kecil dan ternyata gw menemukan HP yang tergeletak begitu saja di jalanan...
Ya, benar2 sodara2, gw menemukan handphone yang tergeletak begitu saja di jalanan. Akhirnya gw pungut tuh handphone trus gw cabut dan buang sim cardnya dan gw bawa balik hpnya....
LOL.... sayangnya gw g sejahat itu.... lol.... g kok. hpnya g gw ambil.... ujung2nya gw malah mondar mandir depan NJ kebingungan mau ngelakuin apa ama hp yang gw temuin... Alhasil, gw bongkar2 aja contactsnya berusaha nyari orang yang bisa dihubungin... Akhirnya gw memilih satu contacts yang menurut gw paling menjanjikan: "DAD"
YEP, gw nelponin bokap cewek yang g gw kenal.... SWT bgt g sih.... Btw yang punya hp tuh dari cara nyatet contacts dan nama temen2nya gw menganggap dy cewe....
Setelah berhasil nelponin bokapnya, gw nungguin tuh om2 biar dateng dan ngambil hp tersebut...
Akhirnya hp itu balik k tangan pemiliknya dengan selamat....
Tuh om2 cm bilang "Thank you very much" ama " my daughter ah (terbukti kalo yang punya cewe) very careless" ngajak salaman bentar (sayangnya g ngasih duit) trus langsung ngeloyor pergi....
Tapi gw senang soalnya gw masih bisa berbuat sebuah kebaikan yang meskipun kecil tapi sangat berarti buat gw....
completes a larger puzzle of humanity...
And it is beautiful...
Shouted by Cerulean_Sky @ 11:12 PM 0 Ur says
Labels: Droplets of love
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
akhirnya gw bisa ngeblog lagi...
akhir2 ini sibuk banget berusaha nyelesein pr liburan gw yang menumpuk. Hari ini bisa rada nyante sih (dengan mengurbankan PR chem yang g kesentuh. Paling besok dimaki2.... Taelah....)
Tadi pas P.E. kita ada height and weight. Kebetulan gw PEnya bareng Fanie ma Cindy... Pas selese ngukur tinggi badan Fanie kontan bilang dengan wajah cemberut: "GW MENYUSUT" *evil laugh dr gw*
Trus dy bilang kalo selama 3 taun ini, dy menyusut dengan rate 1 cm/tahun..... *sweat*
Y namanya orang nyolot, langsung aja gw ngerespon...
*Fanie cemberut*
Itu lu baru 38 tahun
*Makin cemberut*
Bayangin kalo lu hidup sampe umur 60
*tambah parah aja cemberutnya*
Tinggi lu tinggal berapa?
*Mulai ngerengek rengek*
Najis abal abal!!! Ketek kaki seribu!!! eek kelabang melingkar lingkar!!!!! GW SAMA SEKALI G NYANGKA DY BAKAL NANGIS!!!!
emang dasarnya gw orang baik (caelah...) gw otomatis ngerasa bersalah lah... (masa gw merasa bersadongh dong) Gila, gw ngerasa kaya orang jahat gitu deh..... Maaf ya FANIE saya hanya bercanda.... gw g sungguh2 kok.... lagian mana ada sih orang yang kehilangan tinggi badan sampe berpuluh2 centi..... kalo idup sampe umur 80 udah kaya ucok baba dong..... HEHEHEHE
It was just a joke. like seriously...
-Cerulean Sky-