Monday, June 30, 2008

Smaller Than You Look

Hari ini gw ke gereja soalnya ada funeral ceremony ex-arcbishop. Somehow gw merasa ada perasaan pilu jauh di dalam hati gw

I never feel for a stranger
but I did

Entah kenapa pas gw ngeliat peti mati putih bersih yang ada di gereja, gw merasa trenyuh... Apalagi pas gw ngeliat ada ratusan orang yang dateng ke gereja buat ikut misa, berdoa atau cuma sekedar pay respect aja. Just for that one person.... I feel that someone big is lost from this world forever

Trus gw ngebayangin, sekarang arcbishop sedang berhadapan dengan Tuhan. Dia cuma menunduk with all his humility. God took out a book which is the Book of Life, and flipped through the pages..... And then with a gentle smile He said "I know you, you're name is written here."

How I hope that the same will happen to me
when I meet my end

Gw juga dibuat terkagum2 oleh tiga orang: Hani, Nadet, n Fanie. Sumpah, gw bener2 salut sama mereka yang bener2 bisa devote buat gereja. Walaupun g jarang mereka ngeluh sih, tapi toh in the end mereka tetep ngelakuin pelayan secara konstan....

Dan gw merasa begitu kecil di hadapan orang2 ini. Gw udah menghilang beberapa lama dari gereja tanpa ada alasan apa2... Just for my ego. Sedangkan mereka walaupun harus bangun pagi dan capek2 kerja ini itu, mereka teteo ngelakuin apa yang mereka harus lakuin. Salut gw..

I feel so small...

1 Ur says:

nobody_cares said...

lu ga bakal tau kalo ada seseorang di dunia ini yg juga nganggep lu big enough buat dia...
mungkin cuma gara2 something small that you did, ato mungkin something big that you did without realising it...
there is someone out there who treasures you more than their own world...
you are big enough in the eyes of your God and your parents...
and maybe someone else out there...=)